Scientific Publications




W. Auzinger, H. Schmiedmayer, I. Reichl, E. Weinmüller: Reconstructing the knee joint mechnism from kinematic data, Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems, 16 (2010), 403-415. [abstract] [www]

W. Auzinger, F. Kramer: On the stability and error structure of BDF schemes applied to linear parabolic evolution equations, BIT Numerical Mathematics, 50 (2010), 455-480. [abstract] [www] [preprint]


W. Auzinger: Error estimation techniques based on defect computation and global reconstruction, International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics, edited by American Institute of Physics, American Institute of Physics, 2010, ISBN: 978-0-7354-0831-9, 4 S. [abstract]

Preprints, Technical Reports

W. Auzinger, H. Lehner, E. Weinmüller: An efficient asymptotically correct error estimator for collocation solutions to singular index-1 DAEs, ASC Report 18/2010, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, TU Wien, 2010. [abstract] [pdf] [published 2011]


L. Exl: A-posteriori Fehlerschätzung für Differentialgleichungen höherer Ordnung (Supervisor: W. Auzinger), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2010, Examination: 2010.

M. Lapinska: Analysis of fractional-rational methods for stiff ODE systems, Betreuer/in (nen) (Supervisor: W. Auzinger, Z. Horvath), Dissertation, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2010, Rigorosum: 07.12.2010.

G Kitzler: A posteriori Fehlerschätzer für Zweipunkt-Randwertprobleme mittels Defektkorrektur (Supervisor: W. Auzinger), Diploma thesis, Institute of Analysis and Scientific Computing, 2010, Examination: 2010.